Doing a Root Canal on a Baby Tooth

Mother and Child.Root canal treatment is a safety and effective way to stop many kinds of tooth pain, and to keep a tooth from beingness lost due to disuse or injury. But if a root canal is recommended for your young kid, you may wonder why: Isn't that baby tooth going to fall out in a few years anyway?

That's true — the main (baby) teeth typically are shed between the ages of 6 and 12 years. All the same at that place are some proficient reasons for trying to save baby teeth for every bit long as possible with root canal treatment, rather than simply extracting whatsoever that are damaged by trauma or infection.

For one, main teeth have the same functions as adult teeth — and a missing tooth at whatever age tin can cause issues with speech and eating. Baby teeth also accept some other important role: They serve as guides for the proper placement of the permanent teeth. Without main teeth to guide them in, permanent teeth tend to emerge in a crooked manner, often condign tilted or crowded because of inadequate infinite. This tin result in bite problems that may require extensive orthodontic treatment later.

Saving The Tooth Is Always Best

Root canal treatment for children.

Dissimilar its hard outer surface, the soft pulp inside the tooth is rich in claret vessels and nerves. Problems in this expanse are oftentimes signaled by tooth sensitivity and pain. When we find these symptoms during an test, nosotros by and large use radiographs (x-rays) to confirm that the pulp is diseased, or dying. That'due south when we need to take action, before an abscess or farther infection can develop.

In astringent cases, the tooth may need to be removed, and a space maintainer installed to fill up the gap. But many times, space maintainers don't fully restore the tooth's functionality. Plus, they are susceptible to coming loose and must be monitored constantly. If possible, nosotros prefer to use treatment methods such as:

  • Indirect pulp treatment. If pulp harm is minimal, it's possible to remove most of the disuse (only not the pulp), use an antibiotic, and and then seal the molar up once again; that's referred to as an "indirect" handling.
  • Pulpotomy. Alternatively, if disuse is limited to the upper portion of the pulp, we may recommend a "pulpotomy." This involves removing the damaged part of the lurid, stabilizing the remaining good for you portion, and then disinfecting and sealing the tooth. This "partial" root culvert is a time-tested technique that's successful in many cases.
  • Pulpectomy. If pulp tissue is infected through the entire tooth structure, a pulpectomy may be needed. Here, we remove all pulp tissue, disinfect and shape the canals, then fill and seal them with inert cloth. Later on, the crown (visible part) of the tooth will be restored. This resembles traditional root canal therapy, with a crucial departure: The sealant we utilize in children is capable of being dissolved past the trunk. That manner, when it's time for a permanent tooth to erupt, the baby tooth's roots tin exist naturally captivated and tooth development can proceed normally.

Preparing for Your Child's Root Canal Treatment

As y'all probably already know, most of the legends you may have heard near root culvert therapy simply aren't true. In fact, the procedure generally causes little discomfort, but is quite successful in relieving tooth pain! We are proficient at using anesthesia to block the awareness of pain, and experienced in calming the fears of young ones. While it's understandable that you may be nervous, it will help if you don't let your child option up on your own anxiety. A calming voice and a gentle touch can do much to salve stress.

After a thorough examination, we will recommend the best options for your child'south treatment. The procedures are routinely done right here in our function. Afterwards, we volition requite yous complete follow-up instructions, and schedule a return visit. A root canal is nothing to fearfulness: Think of it as a treatment that may save your child from some tooth pain at present, and potentially a lot of corrective dental piece of work later on.

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